

Summary of the Governance Contract

The Governance contract is designed to interact with a multisignature contract (IstardustMultisig) on the StarkNet blockchain. It provides functionalities to manage signers and thresholds, as well as to validate signer signatures. Below is a comprehensive overview of its components and functionalities:


The Dao contract serves as an interface between external interactions and the IstardustMultisig contract, enabling operations related to managing signers, changing thresholds, and verifying signatures.

Key Components

  1. Interfaces:

    • IstardustMultisig Interface:

      • Defines methods for managing signers and thresholds within the multisignature contract.

      • Methods:

        • change_threshold(ref self: TContractState, new_threshold: usize): Changes the required threshold of signers.

        • add_signers(ref self: TContractState, new_threshold: usize, signers_to_add: Array<Signer>): Adds new signers to the multisignature contract.

        • remove_signers(ref self: TContractState, new_threshold: usize, signers_to_remove: Array<Signer>): Removes existing signers from the multisignature contract.

        • replace_signer(ref self: TContractState, signer_to_remove: Signer, signer_to_add: Signer): Replaces a specific signer with another.

        • get_threshold(self: @TContractState) -> usize: Retrieves the current threshold of signers required for operations.

        • get_signer_guids(self: @TContractState) -> Array<felt252>: Retrieves the unique identifiers (GUIDs) of all current signers.

        • is_signer(self: @TContractState, signer: Signer) -> bool: Checks if a given signer is currently authorized.

        • is_signer_guid(self: @TContractState, signer_guid: felt252) -> bool: Checks if a signer with the specified GUID is currently authorized.

        • is_valid_signer_signature(self: @TContractState, hash: felt252, signer_signature: SignerSignature) -> bool: Verifies if a signature from a signer is valid for a given hash.

  2. Storage Structure:

    • Storage Struct:

      • multisig: Stores the address of the IstardustMultisig contract with which interactions are managed.

  3. Constructor:

    • Constructor Function:

      • Initializes the contract with the address of the IstardustMultisig contract. This enables all subsequent operations to interact with the specified multisignature contract.

  4. External Functions:

    • External Functions Implementation:

      • Implements each method defined in the IstardustMultisig interface using external(v0) modifiers.

      • Each function fetches the current multisig address from storage and interacts with the IstardustMultisigDispatcher to execute the corresponding method.

  5. Helper Functions:

    • StarkNet Signer Conversion:

      • starknet_signer_from_pubkey(pubkey: felt252) -> Signer: Converts a StarkNet public key into a Signer type used by the IstardustMultisig contract.

Key Points

  • Integration with Multisig Contract: The Dao contract acts as an intermediary to perform operations on the IstardustMultisig contract, such as managing signers and thresholds.

  • Functionality: It provides essential functionalities for multisignature contract management, including adding, removing, replacing signers, changing thresholds, and verifying signer signatures.

  • Modularity: The contract is designed to be modular and can potentially be used with different multisignature implementations by updating the multisig address in storage.

Use Case

The Dao contract is beneficial in decentralized governance scenarios or any application requiring multisignature capabilities on the StarkNet blockchain. It facilitates secure and flexible management of signers and thresholds, ensuring that operations are carried out only when authorized by the required number of signers. This enhances security and reliability in executing critical transactions or changes within decentralized applications deployed on StarkNet.

Last updated