Dao factory


Summary of the DaoFactory Contract

The provided code defines the DaoFactory contract, which serves as a factory for deploying new instances of a counter contract (Dao contract in this case) on the StarkNet blockchain. Below is a detailed summary of its components and functionalities:


The CounterFactory contract facilitates the creation and management of Dao contracts by allowing users to deploy new instances with specified initialization parameters and updating the contract class hash dynamically.

Key Components

  1. Interfaces:

    • IDaoFactory Interface:

      • Specifies methods for creating a new Dao contract and updating the class hash used for deployment.

      • Methods:

        • create_dao(ref self: TContractState, init_value: ContractAddress) -> ContractAddress: Creates a new Dao contract instance with the provided initialization value and returns its address.

        • update_class_hash(ref self: TContractState, class_hash: ClassHash): Updates the class hash used for deploying Dao contracts.

  2. Storage Structure:

    • Storage Struct:

      • class_hash: Stores the current class hash of the Dao contract, which is used in deployment.

      • owner: Stores the address of the multisig owner who has permissions to deploy Dao contracts.

  3. Constructor:

    • Constructor Function:

      • Initializes the contract with an initial owner (multisig address) and a class hash for the Dao contract.

      • Sets the initial values for owner and class_hash in the contract's storage.

  4. ABI Implementation:

    • ABI Implementation for IDaoFactory:

      • Implements the methods specified in IDaoFactory to create new Dao contracts and update the class hash.

      • create_dao: Deploys a new Dao contract instance using the current class_hash stored in storage. It initializes the Dao contract with the provided init_value and returns the address of the deployed contract.

      • update_class_hash: Updates the class_hash stored in storage to the provided counter_class_hash. This allows flexibility in changing the Dao contract implementation that will be deployed subsequently.

  5. Deployment Logic:

    • Deploy Functionality:

      • Uses StarkNet's deploy_syscall to deploy a new instance of the Dao contract using the current class_hash. It passes the initialization data (init_value) for the Dao contract during deployment.

  6. Ownership and Security:

    • Owner Control:

      • The contract includes ownership controls to ensure that only the designated multisig owner can update the class hash and initiate contract deployments.

      • This is managed through checks in the update_class_hash function and potentially other modifiers or functions restricted to the owner.

Key Points

  • Factory Pattern: The contract follows the factory pattern, enabling the creation of multiple instances of a Dao contract with different initialization parameters.

  • Flexibility: The class_hash can be updated dynamically, allowing for upgrades or changes in the Dao contract implementation that will be deployed subsequently.

  • Security: Ownership controls ensure that only authorized parties (multisig owner) can update critical contract parameters and initiate deployments.

  • Integration: Integrates with StarkNet's system calls (deploy_syscall) for contract deployment, ensuring compatibility and adherence to StarkNet's execution environment.

Use Case

The CounterFactory contract is particularly useful in scenarios where multiple instances of a similar contract (like Dao) need to be deployed with varying configurations or for different purposes. It provides a standardized way to deploy and manage these contracts, enhancing modularity and scalability in StarkNet-based decentralized applications.

Last updated